The biggest Crime Prevention Festival Budapest has ever seen!

This year we decided to dream big for the annual police and fireman day. The NCPC built a crime prevention village within the festival with the help of the crime prevention departments of the Police to get the attention the topic deserves.

Besides the departments of the counties, the National Police Headquarters and the Hungarian Prison Service also helped us to make crime prevention a factor in the event. We had interactive games, giant bouncing castle and many colourful programmes that attracted both kids and adults.

The biggest Crime Prevention Festival Budapest has ever seen!

For example our visitors could follow the procedure from arrest to sentencing all the way to imprisonment. However this could not beat our huge swing ‘Hintayo’ that could only be moved if the swingers united their power and the 25-meter long bouncing castle that participants could only use if they covered their eyes with ‘drunk glasses’ to experience the helplessness drunk people feel. It gave a hard time for our adventurous guests to get through the castle with these weighting but the smiles assured us that everyone had a great time.
